EP #010: Your writing isn't the problem...

Your confidence is. Here's why you should publish posts that make you uncomfortable.

Hey there - if your posts aren’t performing as well as you’d like, you likely blame your writing. While that’s sometimes the case, more often, it’s something else entirely: your willingness to take risks.

I almost didn’t post my top-performing post this year:

I wrote this post in about 5 minutes. But I just couldn’t hit “post.” There were too many doubts that kept surfacing:

  • “$75k is more than some people make in a year! I’m going to get hate mail.”

  • “Some companies just went through layoffs…and I’m over here bragging about investing in my professional growth?”

  • “Who cares?”

Fortunately, I had a call with Justin Welsh that same day. Almost as an afterthought, I shared the post with him.

“This is great,” he said, “you should post it.”

So I did.

The problem wasn’t my writing. It was my confidence.

It’s not just me. I’ve seen this play out time and time again with our clients.

Two of our largest clients didn’t feel comfortable posting about their personal lives. Their LinkedIn posts only featured prominent press or major milestones.

But after working with us for a while, they each took the leap and opened up about areas of their personal life that impact the professional life. For both clients, their personal posts continue to be their top-performing content.

While it took each of them some time to gain the confidence to open about their failures, their origin stories, and who they are, the results convinced them to continue.

Here’s a prime example. One client opened up about an early career failure: being fired from a top 3 consulting firm. This is a story he hadn’t even shared with his team, and that still caused him some embarrassment.

But when he had the courage to share what he took away from the experience, his story performed extremely well on LinkedIn.

The takeaway?

LinkedIn favors the bold. We see a direct correlation between how a post performs and how provactive is the first line of the post.

Be willing to open up about the things that matter to you. This may be:

  1. Concrete data about your company’s performance (good and bad)

  2. Things you’re doing outside of the office that are helping you inside the office

  3. Early influences and origin stories that shape who you are and how you lead

  4. Your biggest failures and what you learned from them

  5. The WHY behind the values that drive your company and team

What other questions can I answer? Let me know and I’ll address it in an upcoming newsletter.


Justin M. Nassiri | Founder & CEO
M: 650.353.1138 | E: [email protected]
250 Fillmore St Suite 150, Denver, CO 80206

We specialize in helping top-tier executives boost their visibility, activate their network, and position themselves as thought leaders via our premium, fully-managed LinkedIn service.

Our unique process involves ex-McKinsey, BCG, and Bain consultants conducting monthly hour-long interviews with our clients, and turning them into impactful daily LinkedIn posts to establish their unique voice and authority. On average, our clients see a 500% bump in engagement in their first 30 days with us. Data is continuously analyzed to improve engagement and identify impactful messaging that you can use for conferences, podcasts, and internal communications.


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