EP #005: Recycling your best LinkedIn posts

How to create your "greatest hits list" on LinkedIn

Hey there - there is one simple way to (a) save time creating content, while also (b) getting more engagement on your profile.

Recycle your content. If you do it right, you’ll end up with a greatest hits list comprised of your best-performing LinkedIn posts.

So, let’s talk about (1) why you should recycle content, (2) how to recycle content, and (3) what well-recycled content looks like.

#1: Why recycle content?

Most executives are hesitant to recycle their content. They believe their audience has a photographic memory when it comes to their previous posts. They worry that someone will call them out for having posted the content before.

Here are three things they overlook:

  1. Your audience is always growing. Someone who started following you today hasn’t seen your content from 3/6/12 months ago.

  2. Your audience isn’t on LinkedIn every day. They don’t see every post that you publish, due to both their own activity and LinkedIn’s algorithm.

  3. Your audience likes you (but they’re not obsessed with you). People are busy with their own lives. They’re not keeping close track of what you posted in the past.

#2: How to recycle content

As you think of recycling your best content, here are a few ideas:

  1. The 5 month rule: after 5 months, no one remembers your content. I generally start by looking at my best performing posts from 5+ months ago.

  2. Minor edits (if at all): you can get away with posting a word-for-word copy and paste of your original content. Or, if you’d like, you can change a few words. It doesn’t really matter.

  3. Make the same point in a different way: if you strike a nerve with your audience, find a way to communicate the same message in a different way. You can turn any great post into 5 other posts that convey the same message. Get creative!

#3: An example of recycled content

Here’s an example of a recycle post, originally posted 7 months ago:

With no edits, the exact same post did even better the second-time around:

One last thought

Content creation is hard, but it doesn’t have to be excruiatingly difficult. By recycling your best content, you’ll have a more concentrated batch of great content AND save yourself some time generating new content.


Justin M. Nassiri | Founder & CEO
M: 650.353.1138 | E: [email protected]
250 Fillmore St Suite 150, Denver, CO 80206

We specialize in helping top-tier executives boost their visibility, activate their network, and position themselves as thought leaders via our premium, fully-managed LinkedIn service.

Our unique process involves ex-McKinsey, BCG, and Bain consultants conducting monthly hour-long interviews with our clients, and turning them into impactful daily LinkedIn posts to establish their unique voice and authority. On average, our clients see a 500% bump in engagement in their first 30 days with us. Data is continuously analyzed to improve engagement and identify impactful messaging that you can use for conferences, podcasts, and internal communications.


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